John Tan interviewing me about Autoresponders

John Tan has launched a cracking new site based round a great idea. is a series of 5 minutes (more or less) interviews with internet marketing experts about various subjects they know inside and out.

John’s idea is that you can listen to one of the interviews in your lunchbreak or when you’re driving the car or taking a break from posting crap in the forums (guilty yesterday) get an insight into how other marketers run their business.

You can join for free (opt in required) and hear experts such as Terry Dean, Dylan Loh, Mike Long, Dan Nickerson, and a handful of others including me.

I’ve been listening to them as they arrive via an autoresponder sequence, and I’ve been really enjoying them.

Here’s a sneak preview – one of two interviews I did with John.

Go and sign up – it’s good value for (no) money!

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9 responses to “John Tan interviewing me about Autoresponders

  1. Hi Tony,

    Hope your readers will enjoy this short interview and get value out of it.

  2. Hi Tony
    Enjoyed your audio – short, sharp and to the point.
    Some excellent tips about how to communicate with your subscribers which is information that I have found most marketers don’t share.
    ‘How to build a list’ is widely taught but how to communicate effectively with your list isn’t.

  3. Tony Shepherd

    I’m sure they will John – I’ve enjoyed listening to all of them!


  4. Tony Shepherd

    Hi Stuart,

    I agree completely – communicating with a list is an undervalued art.

    I’ve had discussions / arguments with marketers who favour the ‘churn ’em and burn ’em’ approach to internet marketing.

    No judgement there of course – it’s just another way of doing things. Build a big list and send so many emails you burn them out and they stop responding BUT you make money in the meantime.

    Different approaches. VERY interesting subject indeed!

    Comments welcome

  5. I really like John’s idea of very short interviews and I’ll have to opt-in to hear your second interview, Tony. I know for a fact that the method of sending autoresponder messages you describe in this interview works well, because it’s one you teach in your KickStart course. I follow your 4-day schedule and people seem to respond well. Just need to learn to make my messages as fun and interesting as you do. Looking forward to interview number two.

  6. thanks for providing this short interview about autoresponders – interesting to learn about your staggered approach of sending 2 x content and 1 sales emails. now i have to go back and analyze your last dozen of emails to check out how you really did it.

    All the best and have a nice vacation
    Yamato from
    How to Speak Japanese

  7. What a good idea. It will be very interesting to see exactly how other marketers go about their business and what tips they might have.

    I’m an experienced internet marketer but the day I stop learning is the day I retire.

    John Burton

  8. Great little audio programme and helpful advice from your good self.

    I love the way it’s a short programme on a topical subject.

  9. aup John
    Great idea and taken on board. Spoken like a true yorkshireman!!

    Short and sweet…

    Matt Lucas

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