Do you think about your positioning in the marketplace?

How often do you think about your POSITIONING in the marketplace?

(I don’t do it as often as I should)

If you’re creating a product you focus on the creation, the sales page, getting JV’s on board and the rest…

…but think how much easier it wold be if you spend that time doing nothing but considering and positioning yourself as unique in the marketplace.

When Fred Bloggs, Jon Doe or Jane Doe launch a product about a new method they used to create $10,000 in just one day without a list it’s an interesting offer and it’ll make sales…

…but when Frank Kern launches exactly the same product it’s a multi-million dollar launch – and not just because of his list – people want to get involved, promote, license it and so on…

because, well because there’s only one Frank Kern

It might seem really hard to position yourself as unique in the marketplace…

…but how hard is it trying to compete with every other marketer on EVERY SINGLE LAUNCH YOU DO FOREVER…because none of you are uniquely positioned?

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